Thursday, December 27, 2012


Sometimes we get a few miscellaneous photos that don't fit into any theme...
here are a few over December:

 Every day we say...Another beautiful day in Bangalore!
 Everyday we go to the park and exercise.
 Elder Wigg walks at the park.
 The shining rays of sunshine warm the day and my heart.
 Some Aunties at the Park - they're so happy.

 Brother Uday came over for dinner, which he helped prepare.
 So we had to take a few photos around the Christmas tree to send to his fiancé in the States.
He looks quite relaxed. Thanks for the great omelet for dinner.
This appears to be a bowl of lemons with 1 lime.  It is, however, a bowl of limes.
These are all the same inside, even though one looks different from the rest on the outside.

We are a lot like this.  We sometimes appear different from those around us but we are all the same on the inside.  We are all children of our Father who created us.

There is so much construction happening around Bangalore.  We saw this house on the corner come down one brick at a time.  Now we see a huge pit being dug.  It's interesting to see the way they destroy and rebuild the houses.

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