Monday, December 12, 2011

Lions & Tigers & Bears, Oh My!

A great day at Bannerghatta National Park.  (said "ba NA ga TA")

Today, I am just giving you a taste of the park.  It was truly wonderful!

 It cost us 160 INR (rupees) each for the Safari (just over $3 CAD)  And can you see that it cost me an extra 25 rupees to use my camera? (that's $.50)  It's so funny!

 Extracting liquid sugar from the sugar cane.  It's just squeezed and pressed until the cane is dry.

Buying the tickets in line.

 This little guy was watching.

Before we went inside the park, we thought we ought to pay our 3 rupees to use the facilities.

We tried to do the "do's".

 This is our safari bus.  There were wire coverings on the windows except for a small hole for the camera lens.  We felt like we were the animals in a cage.  It was quite a rough ride over skinny, bumpy roads.  But we saw some great things.

 Spotted Deer.  Adult males have antlers.

What kind of an animal is this?  I don't yet know.

 This is a Sloth Bear.

 Look at the nose on this guy!

 He reminds me a little bit of Denver's dog Inca.

 And look at those claws on his feet!

 The Lioness didn't seem frightened of the safari bus at all.

 They are quite a handsome couple.

A lovely lady.

 King of the Jungle!

 This Tiger is so beautiful!

Isn't he pretty!

 I love the White Tiger!  He is spectacular!

 This beautiful tiger was pacing the fence next to his buddy.

 Tigers are such gorgeous animals.  Sad to think that they are becoming endangered in the wild.

These were some of the fences that divided the habitats.  Other fences were 2 tall, wire fences about a meter apart and surrounding the enclosures of the tigers.

School children began to arrive by the busloads.

White Peafowl

 I thought Thatcher would love the snakes.

 Can you see two snakes here?

 I think this is a Greater White Fronted Goose.

 A Princess Cockatiel, I think

Jerome remembered this is a Himalayan Bear.

A type of Muniya.

 King Cobra, I think.

 Live Cobra Lunch.

 This guy is sniffing the air with his tongue.


 Rattler, I think, though I didn't see the rattle on his tail.

 This snake skin is beautiful.  What kind of snake is it for sure?

This is a beautiful pattern found in nature.  What is it?
This is a turtle!  Did you guess?

 This turtle is eating his spinach!  We could learn something here!

This is an Indian Flap-shelled turtle.

It looks like he's smiling!

This is a Red Eared American Slider from Florida!

This guy truly is a slider- he kept climbing up a step or 2 and sliding back again, over and over!

Great Pied Hornbill - Crazy looking, eh?

 I don't know the name of this monkey.

Gharial Crocodile - so funny looking. He can only eat small rodents as his mouth is so small.

Panther or Leopard - So beautiful!

A gorgeous feline

Vivian and his family drove us to the park for the day.  It was fun to be with them.

Elephants, too.
This is a baby elephant.  So cute!

 There are 3 sizes of elephants here.

This is a Black Buck.  I've never seen one before, have you?

Barking Deer (but I never heard him bark!)

Black Buck

 These little monkeys roam free all over.

Male Spotted Deer

 Vivian's son got to sit on the baby elephant!
He wasn't sure he liked it until after.

 The elephants here, along with many other animals, are rescue animals.

 Emmanuel loved to touch the elephant.

 Such a sweet family!

Elder Wigg and I, enjoying the day together outside.

 Do we look happy?  We are.

 We posed with some school children.


This funny monkey was very intent on eating his carrot.

 Swamp Crocodile.

Black Crowned Night Heron

Indian Giant Squirrel

We saw Spiderman at the Playground!

Such a cute Spidey!

Vivian and his family.

There were so many school children at Bannerghatta today.  And they all had ice cream at the same time.  It was totally funny!

This sign was there, I guess, but we didn't see it until we were leaving.
Lucky we didn't do any of these things!


  1. Absolutely no comments about Jerome and Sloth Bears! I have learned my lesson! This is great fun getting updates on your adventures--what an amazing world we live in: email, blogs, skype, etc. Glad to see that you guys get a break out of the office once in a while. Keep up the good work.

  2. Thank you, David. Your comments are great. You keep up the good work there in Ghana. I notice that when you are on our blog, it says someone from Lagos is on. I wonder if your internet comes through Nigeria? It's interesting. Take care of yourselves in Africa!
